Last 22th January, 2013, took place in the founding Ca’Vendramin (Rovigo; Italy) Deltamed General Assemblywith the following agenda:
- Report of the actions undertook from DELTAMED Secretariat.
- Budget for the next year 2013.
- Report on the development of Deltamed rice varieties by Dr. Badawi A. Tantawi.
- Renewal of the mandate of Chairman.
- Cooperation Project with Italy Ca ‘Vendramin Foundation “MANAGEMENT AND USE OF WATER AND STUDY OF THE TERRITORY”
- Proposal of cooperation between Research and Technology Food and Agriculture Institute (IRTA) and Deltamed.
- Request from an Italian group of studies to create a documentary report of the deltas within Deltamed area of influence. (Ing. Lino Tosini).
- Proposal of collaboration between Cámara Arrocera from Amposta and Deltamed for the development and attainment of new varieties of rice.
- Any other business
In order to improve initiatives and diversity projects that are being carried out from DELTAMED, in the General Assembly celebrated in 22-01-2013, it was created a technical committee working to make the entity more operational. This technical committee is in charge of the study for proposals, so that, they could be presented in the General Assembly.
The technical committee consists of:
From Italy:
Mr. Franco Dalle Vacche (President of Consorzio Pianura de Ferrara)
Mr. Lino Tossini (Director of Fundación Ca Vendramin)
Mr. Sergio Grego (Consorzio Veneto Oriental)
From Spain:
Mr. Carlos Fabregues Solé (Technician of I.A.T.E.)
Mr. Manel Ferré Aixendri (Vice-President of C.G.R.C.D.E.)
Mr. Manel García de la Cuadra (President of Acequia Real de Jucar)
Clerk of the technical committee
Mr. Enric Garcia Sabaté (Director of Deltamed)