This morning, at the headquarters of the Consorzio di Bonifica Veneto Orientale, in Piazza Indipendenza in San Donà di Piave, the Deltamed General Assembly was held. The participants, in presence and in videoconference from Spain, Greece and Egypt, resolved to approve the new Statute of the Association, drawn up in compliance with the requirements required for the registration of Deltamed in the Single National Register of the Third Sector (RUNTS) as well as the appointment of the new Board of Directors composed of the President Dr. Giorgio Piazza, and the Councilors Dr. Stefano Calderoni representing the Consorzio di Bonifica Pianura di Ferrara, and Dr. Antoni Almudever Mestre representing the Comunidad General de Regantes del Canal de la Derecha del Ebro.
Once these steps, which are fundamental for the Association, were completed, President Piazza passed the floor to the Secretary, Eng. Sergio Grego, who illustrated to those present the social activities planned for 2024, which include participation in various international symposiums; the launch of important international collaborations with countries such as Turkey, Ethiopia and Paraguay; the creation of cultural exchanges with Spanish educational institutions with a view to training and raising awareness of the new generations on problems, such as climate change, which are at the center of Deltamed’s agenda.
A year full of activities, commitments and collaborations in the wake of a twenty-year tradition.