On March 20, 2018, in the Boardroom of the Community of Irrigators of the Ebre’s Right Side Canal (Comunitat General de Regants del Canal de la Dreta de l’Ebre), the annual assembly of the Association of Mediterranean Deltas (DELTAMED) was held.
Representatives of the deltas from Italy, Greece, Spain, Egypt attended, and all the items on the agenda were unanimously approved.
Among other items, it was agreed that Dr. Joshi Ravindra, pest specialist, continue indefinitely as an advisor to the association.
Mr. Badawi Tantawi, Egyptian representative, states that among the lines of inquiry being researched at the Research Center, they are working on a new methodology to deal with pests such as pelyculariosis through the use of Nano-organic Nanotechnology, while at the same time greatly improving on research in rice varieties resistant to salinity and drought.
As for the project carried out by the CGRCDE’s Study Group “The Management and Use of Water. Knowledge of the Territory “, with which other associated deltas are already working on their programs in order to instruct new generations in the development of professional activities in a sustainable environment, the Director of DELTAMED, Mr. Enrique García, proposed an exchange of exemplary students among the different deltas. The proposal was very well received as it would involve students in direct contact with the problems of Mediterranean deltas and inspire studies that benefit the environment.
The Assembly agreed to seek financial support.
For his part, Mr. Manel Masià, President of Deltamed, informed the Assembly of his decision to leave office next year.
The representative of Greece, Mr. Michael Komgiomzis, spoke up, stating that as Mr. Masià had been the only president of Deltamed since its founding, and as president had acted with integrity and shown good judgment in respect to the countries represented, Mr. Komgiomzis proposed that Mr. Masià be appointed Honorary President of DELTAMED. The proposal was unanimously approved.
Mr. Manel Masià was surprised and grateful for the show of respect, and expressed such with emotion to the assembly, which in turn gave him a warm round of applause.