In the context of the collaborative projects that Deltamed has been working on for some time with the Féderation des Associacions Casamançaises de l’Éxterieur (FACE) to study the problems associated with the salinisation of farmland in Casamance, a region with a strong agricultural vocation in southern Senegal, on 5 December, Deltamed Secretary Dr. Sergio Grego, joined by FACE President Mamadou Lamine Diedhiou and consultants Prof. Sarti, Dr. Zaremba and Dr. Girardi, met by videoconference with Dr. Eugenio Cavallo, Scientific Attaché at the Italian Embassy in Dakar.

Mr. Grego illustrated to Dr. Cavallo the projects that Deltamed, in collaboration with FACE, the Polytechnic University of Marche, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and the Fonds Català de Cooperaciò al Desenvolupament, is carrying out in Casamance, focusing in particular on the network of contacts established during the various missions carried out in Casamance.

Dr. Cavallo, for his part, presented the numerous activities that his office carries out, with particular emphasis on facilitating the exchange of lecturers and students between Senegalese Universities and Research Institutions and their European counterparts.

The meeting, with the exchange of experiences and contacts that followed, proved to be particularly fruitful in view of the continuation of the exchange and research activities that are already in place and will be further strengthened thanks to the support and facilitation provided by the office headed by Dr. Cavallo.

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