On November 14, the General Meeting of Deltamed took place in the City of Amposta (Tarragona). All the items dealt with in it were approved unanimously. It should be noted that in item 8 of the agenda: Election of a new president, Mr. Manuel Ferré Aixendri was unanimously elected, and Mr. Manuel Masiá Marsá, the outgoing president, will remain as an honorary president of the Association as decided by all attendees.

Taking advantage of the fact that almost all the representatives of the network were present, a meeting was held in parallel with the delegation of Senegal, where work is being carried out on various projects in cooperation with the Veneto Region in Italy, for sustainable development in the Casamance area in Senegal.

Also attending were the Minister of State and president of the National Commission for Dialogue and Territories Mr. Benoit Joseph Sambou, the technical advisor to the president of the National commission Mr. Mamadou Lamine, and the General Director of l’ANRAC Ernest Abou among other relevant officials.

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